2024 Nitartha Summer Institute

Union of Study and Meditation

For the first time since 2019, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche taught onsite at the 2024 Summer Institute! 

The 2024 Summer Institute was our first hybrid onsite-online Summer Institute. It was held at Lewis & Clark College, in a beautiful wooded environment.

Mahamudra teachings and practice

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen
During Sessions 1 and 2 we received teachings daily from Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, titled Mahamudra Lineage Chit-Chat and Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen taught Mahamudra shamatha and vipashyana level 2. Lama Tenpa also led the Session 3 Silent Mahamudra Retreat.

All of our Western teachers were there, with Dr. Sandra Roscoe and Mitra Lee Worley teaching and leading us in practice for Mahamudra vipashyana level 1.

DPR – mahamudra chit chat changed my life – beyond all expectations. DPR is truly amazing,
inspiring and brilliant and clearly very highly realised.
” 2024 Summer Institute Student

Buddhist Philosophy

Our Buddhist philosophy (shedra) courses spanned 4 levels!

  • Level 1: Mind and Its World I and II plus Clear Thinking
  • Level 2: Madhyamaka
  • Level 3: Cittamatra and Buddha Nature
  • Level 4: Mind and Its World III and IV
“…the experience of watching the unfolding of something beyond imagination
will stay with me as an indelible benefit, beyond memorable.”
2024 Summer Institute Student

Union of Mahamudra and Study

Generally speaking, Mahamudra shamatha can be correlated with the pramana view (valid cognition) that is taught in Mind and Its World I&II (Study Level 1). The faculty for these courses helped students to see the correlations between Mahamudra shamatha and Study Level 1 topics. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to take Mahamudra shamatha and Mind and Its World together.

I am really enjoying the Mahamudra classes and the sincerity, directness and clarity in how the Lamas and Rinpoches share their
wisdom, joy and openness to life as it unfolds
Jie Wu

Mahamudra Vipashyana-I is correlated with the Madhyamaka view (Study Level 2), and is expressed well in a song by the yogi Milarepa:

“Throughout the day and night look at your mind.
When you look at your mind you don’t see anything.
When you don’t see anything let go and relax.”

Study Level 2 and Mahamudra Vipashyana-I faculty help students to see the correlations between these levels of study and practice. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to take these Mahamudra and shedra courses together.

“My experience was great, I am very surprised. It is difficult to explain but I really believe that my mind and my meditation practice changed thanks to this course. Thank you very much.… I think that I could really feel the taste of shamatha meditation with Lama Tempa. Rinpoche’s teachings were very simple, clear, direct and completely amazing.
I am very grateful to the teachers.”
Pablo Quiñonez

The Cittamatra and Buddha Nature traditions (Study Level 3) primarily teach about the luminosity of mind, which is correlated with continued training in Mahamudra vipashyana meditation. This is why Study Level 3 and Mahamudra Vipashyana-II are typically taken together.

“…it is the most beautiful Dharma tune up in the middle of the year to set practice and study back on track.”  KNB

Enhancement Courses

The Summer Institute included activities to enhance our experience. Classes included thangka drawing, health and healing, space awareness and debate. Along with study and meditation courses, these activities encompass all the five sciences on which Nitartha’s curriculum is based.

“First time taking Julia’s thangka class – fabulous! I would come back just for that.”   MJC

Tibetan Language Courses

This was an excellent opportunity for students to begin their study of the Tibetan language, with the Beginning C0lloquial Tibetan, as well as to continue their studies with the Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan and Reading Tibetan Buddhist Literature.  These courses are continuing through the fall and spring semesters.

“As with previous Summer Institutes, Nitartha Summer Institute 2024 was an edifying and uplifting experience. This year was especially edifying and uplifting because both Rinpoche and Lama Tenpa were physically present.  That made a great difference.
…Nitartha is one of my most beneficial habits.  It’s proven to be very good for my spirit.  From the DPR Chats to shedra to gomdra, it’s all good, and it elevates me to a higher plane of being.”
  Karma Jinpa Gyatso

We hope you can join us next year.
In the meantime, check out our wide range of online fall semester courses here
or try one of our Self Paced Online Courses, which you can start at any time of the year.

“Nitartha has always exceeded my expectations. Every time. I hope to join you all in person in the future.”
2024 Summer Institute Student

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