Mahamudra Meditation

In addition to the Summer Institute’s main teaching, “Mahamudra Lineage Chit-Chat” taught by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche in the mornings during Sessions 1 and 2, July’s Institute will offer the following meditation instruction and practice opportunties.

Please check the prerequisites listed below for each course and submit an eligiblity form at the bottom of this page if the course you would like to attend indicates that an eligibility form is required.

Morning Community Meditation

Afternoon Mahamudra Courses:

Mahamudra Shamatha

Mahamudra Vipashyana-I

Mahamudra Vipashyana-II

Silent Mahamudra Retreat

Community Meditation

Open to all onsite Summer Institute students | Sessions 1 and 2

Community Meditation is open to everyone who is registered for the Summer Institute, both online and onsite.

Join us for this daily meditation — it is the perfect opportunity to calm our minds and connect with ourselves and each other!

No eligibility form is required.

Level 1

Mahamudra Shamatha

Sessions 1 and 2


Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen


Mahamudra Shamatha and Mind and Its World

Generally speaking, Mahamudra shamatha can be correlated with the pramana view (valid cognition) that is taught in Mind and Its World I&II (Study Level 1). The faculty for these courses help students to see the correlations between Mahamudra shamatha and Study Level 1 topics. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to take Mahamudra shamatha and Mind and Its World together.


Onsite students:
Mahamudra shamatha is open to all registered students who are attending the Summer Institute onsite. It is recommended that students have some background in the study of dharma and some experience with sitting practice. (No eligibility form is required.)

Online students: You might be eligible for Mahamudra shamatha if:

  • you have previously taken Mahamudra shamatha at Nitartha’s Summer Institute (note that if you have already taken two 9-day sessions of Mahamudra shamatha you are also eliglbe for Mahamudra vipashyana-I); or
  • you are a Nalandabodhi student who is following the Nalandabodhi Mahamudra shamatha curriculum or has completed it; or
  • you have attended a live Mahamudra program in which Mahamudra shamatha was taught and practiced; or
  • you have completed a three-year retreat

Online students, please fill out the eligibility form at the bottom of this page (required).

Level 2

Mahamudra Vipashyana-I

Sessions 1 and 2


Dr. Sandra Roscoe



Mahamudra Vipashyana-I and Madhyamaka

Mahamudra Vipashyana-I is correlated with the Madhyamaka view (Study Level 2), and is expressed well in a song by the yogi Milarepa:

“Throughout the day and night look at your mind.
When you look at your mind you don’t see anything.
When you don’t see anything let go and relax.”

Study Level 2 and Mahamudra Vipashyana-I faculty help students to see the correlations between these levels of study and practice. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to take these Mahamudra and shedra courses together.


Online and onsite students: You might be eligible for Mahamudra Vipashyana-I if:

  • you have attended a Nitartha Institute Mahamudra shamatha course (two 9-day sessions), and ideally have additional Mahamudra shamatha practice experience; or
  • you are a Nalandabodhi member who has completed the Nalandabodhi Mahamudra shamatha curriculum; or
  • you have received Mahamudra shamatha and/or vipashyana teachings from other Mahamudra teachers and have practiced Mahamudra shamatha; or
  • you are a graduate of a three-year retreat.

Please fill out the eligiblity form at the bottom of this page (required).

Level 3

Mahamudra Vipashyana-II

Sessions 1 and 2


Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen


Cittamatra & Buddha Nature and Mahamudra Vipashyana II

The Cittamatra and Buddha Nature traditions (Study Level 3) primarily teach about the luminosity of mind, which is correlated with continued training in Mahamudra vipashyana meditation. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take Study Level 3 and Mahamudra Vipashyana-II together.


Online and onsite students: You might be eligible for Mahamudra Vipashyana-II if:

  • you have attended a Nitartha Institute Mahamudra vipashyana course (each course consisting of two 9-day sessions), and ideally have additional Mahamudra shamatha and vipashyana practice experience; or
  • you have received Mahamudra vipashyana teachings from other teachers, have practiced Mahamudra vipashyana and have covered the topics presented in the Ocean of Definitive Meaning up to “Pointing Out the Nature of Mind Based on Appearances.”

Please fill out the eligiblity form at the bottom of this page (required).

Silent Mahamudra Retreat

Session 3


During Session 3, Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen will lead a silent Mahamudra retreat. This is a precious opportunity to deepen our meditation practice under the guidance of a renowned Mahamudra master, and to allow the teachings we have received settle. Silence helps us to enter into our practice more profoundly, and the onsite container is designed to support us throughout this session. (Onsite only.) See draft schedule.

Onsite only: Meditation sessions are open to all onsite Mahamudra students. Due to the nature of this retreat, meditation sessions will not be available online.

Would you like to attend only Session 3?: You are welcome to attend Session 3 without attending Sessions 1 or 2 of the 2023 Summer Institute if you have had previous Mahamudra practice experience. Please fill out the eligiblity form at the bottom of this page if you are not taking an afternoon Mahamudra course during Session 1 or 2 (required).

Registration for the 2024 Summer Institute has closed. 
We are turning our attention to getting ready for the program.
If you missed the deadline and would like to attend, please contact Elena at
We will try our best to process your registration.