The 2024 Summer Institute will offer:

  • Teachings by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche on Mahamudra during sessions 1 and 2.
  • Mahamudra shamatha and vipashyana courses (three levels) taught by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen and
    Nitartha’s Western teachers (for qualified students) during sessions 1 and 2
  • Daily Community Meditation practice during sessions 1 and 2
  • Three sessions of one shedra (study) level (27 classes total)
  • Three sessions of Tibetan language courses (27 classes total)
  • Enhancement activities for onsite students, such as lujong (mind-body exercises)
  • Silent Mahamudra Retreat for onsite students during session 3

July 5 -July 13

Register for Session 1 to attend
the first session of:

  • Mahamudra teachings by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
  • One Mahamudra meditation course for qualified students
    (Eligibility applications will be taken starting in March.)
  • Onsite enhancement activities
  • Community Meditation

Plus three sessions of:

  • One shedra level
  • Tibetan language courses


July 15 – July 23

Register for Session 2 to attend
the continuation of:

  • Mahamudra teachings by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
  • The Mahamudra meditation course that you began in Session 1, if applicable
  • Onsite enhancement activities
  • Community Meditation

Plus three sessions of:

  • The shedra level that you began in Session 1
  • Tibetan language courses


July 25 – August 2

Register for Session 3 to attend the
Silent Mahamudra Meditation retreat
(on site only)

Plus three sessions of:

  • The shedra level that you have been taking
  • Community meditation

If you are not attending a Mahamudra course at this year’s Summer Institute and have not taken one previously at Nitartha, submission of an eligibility application is required (available when registration opens in March).


For-credit tuition: US $1850 for three sessions (Credit for attending the Summer Institute is dependent on approval by your university.)

Registration for the 2024 Summer Institute has closed.
We are turning our attention to preparing for the program.
If you missed the deadline and would like to attend, please contact Elena at

Nitartha’s financial Assistance Program, funded by donations from fellow students, was established  to support those who would not be able to attend the Institute’s courses without this assistance. To request aid, please fill out the PPFA application before you register.

Nitartha’s financial Assistance Program, funded by donations from fellow students, was established  to support those who would not be able to attend the Institute’s courses without this assistance. To request aid, please fill out the PPFA application before you register.